Him & I – G-Eazy & Halsey: Terms of Endearment or Degradation?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SA7AIQw-7Ms “Him and I” by G-Eazy and Halsey is a song from 2017 that presents a sort of Bonnie and Clyde love-story the song’s lyrics depict the two lovers/partners in crime living a fast and hard lifestyle. the song lyrics read. Throughout the the song there are various phrases and lines in which the couple of the song…

A Contradiction of Fame: Misogyny in J. Cole’s “No Role Modelz”

In light of his thoughtfulness about his impact, J. Cole’s continued denigration of women in his songs is worth exploring. In his 2015 hit “No Role Modelz,” Cole raps about his lack of role models growing up and his disgust with the insincerity around him, for he wants young people today to have better role…

“Nasty” Lyrics as Power

One genre in which explicit or aggressive sexual language seems to serve a clear purpose or seems necessary to the content of the song is in contemporary female rap. Artists like CityGirls and Megan Thee Stallion flip the script on pervasive images in hip hop of men describing sexual dominance over and sexual favors performed…